Monday, May 30, 2011

Day Out with Thomas the Tank Engine

Mommy and Daddy told me they had a special surprise for me, so off we went on a secret journey.

Daddy kept telling me I'd really really like it.

I didn't know what to expect, but I was pretty excited.

Then I saw him coming down the track...

A real, life-sized Thomas the Train!

I even got to go on a ride, INSIDE Thomas!

They had face-painting, too...

Look, Thomas on my FACE!

And they had lots of trains and tracks that we could play with.

And a clown making animals out of balloons.

And a cool hay maze.

Oh, and Mommy and Emmeline were there, too.

What a great day!
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Gillian Lord Ward said...

Wow, that really does sound like an awesome day. For a boy, at least. I can't imagine Resli or Lela caring too much about Thomas, but they'd like the face painting part. What did Emmeline think?

Adam said...

Thomas in real life? SHUT THE FRONT DOOR! Lucky.