Saturday, September 3, 2011

Enjoying the pool

Some days, we went to the pool instead of (or in addition to!) the beach.
Emmeline loved floating around in the water, or just chilling under an umbrella.

And Atticus had a blast playing in the kiddie pool and the "water playground."

All that play can make you pretty hungry and thirsty. Ahhh, sweet nectar of the gods!

That tastes gooooood.

What do you mean I'm not old enough to drink?!?

(Note: no children were inebriated in the creation of these photographs. The beer was actually closed the whole time.)
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Gillian Lord Ward said...

I missed Atticus trying to drink beer - he looks pretty upset. You may have noticed that my girls need no artificial substances to generate their highs.

Amy S said...

I think we have a movie plot here. Kid in a KIND OF nerdy pool outfit gets drunk, takes off all his clothes, thinks deep thoughts.