Sunday, October 16, 2011

First solid food

We gave Emmeline her first taste of real food--rice cereal. She ate it up as if to say, "WHERE have you been hiding this stuff for the past 7 months?!?"

Perhaps the best part of the video is Atticus in the background saying, "It's pretty yucky." (We gave him a taste before giving it to her.) And then he says that he had a bite of applesauce and is "much better now."
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What does this say?

OH MY GOSH, I saw it. Do you want to see it, too?


It says I'm 7 months old. Happy birthday to me!
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Happy happy, joy joy.

Emmeline is one happy girl.

She loves sitting and playing.

As long as she has an audience!

Yep, a little bit of a ham.
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That's all. Just "hi" from a happy, sweet girl.
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"Sweet Emmeline"

To the tune of Neil Diamond's "Sweet Caroline." Enough said.
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Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Weekend breakfast

Sometimes, when Dad doesn't have to work on the weekend, he makes us special yummy breakfasts.

Like this gigantic pancake, which I insisted on eating with my hands!

What the heck; it's a weekend, right?
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At the doc

For my 6-month check up!

Oh, and the shots, too. Boo.

I did great, though. I was a real trooper!
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1/2 a year? Already??

What's that you say, Mom?

I'm 6 months old already?

Woo hoo! This growing up stuff is fun!
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Atticus and his buddies

It's hard to tell in these pix, but this is Atticus in the dark, reading to his stuffed animals after we'd put him to bed.

Seriously, he was reading to them. How cute is that?!?

And PS: He calls them his "buddies," just like his Mom and Aunt Gillian did.
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Saturday, September 3, 2011

Just chillin'

Sometimes with Opa.

Sometimes with Kody.

And sometimes all by myself.

It's all the same to me. I'm a happy girl!
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New York State Fair!

Opa came to visit us, and he took me to the State Fair. We saw all kinds of animals.

He made sure I didn't miss anything...

AND he gave me my first taste of fried dough!

Oh, Daddy and Emmeline were also there. They had fun, too.

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Happy 5 months to me!

Wow, where has the time gone??

In honor of my being a big girl now, we broke out some of the big girl toys.

I'm still getting the hang of my bouncy swing, but once I do I'm sure I'll love it as much as my big brother did.

Kody clearly remembers it, though, and how much fun he had when Atticus would bounce!

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Enjoying the family!

In addition to the rest and relaxation and fun, the BEST part about our vacation was getting our family together with Aunt Gillian's family.

Mommy and Daddy had a great time with Aunt Gillian and Uncle Harvey.

Atticus was beside himself with all the Resli and Lela fun.

Of course, Emmeline and Kennedy enjoyed each other's company, too, but they were much more subdued about it.

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Enjoying each other

One of the greatest parts of our vacation was that we got to spend so much time together as a family. That rarely happens during the craziness of our usual lives. So we took full advantage of it and enjoyed every minute.

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